Marriott Vacation Club will be announcing new “Owner Benefit Levels” for Vacation Club Points Ownership Program.

A view of the city from above.

Marriott Maui Ocean Club

These “new levels” enhance and replace the current Premier and Premier Plus benefits.

The new levels are:

Owner: less than 4,000 Vacation Club Points

Select: 4,000 – 6,999 Vacation Club Points

Executive: 7,000 – 9,999 Vacation Club Points

Presidential: 10,000 – 14,999 Vacation Club Points

Chairman’s Club: 15,000 Vacation Club Points and above

NOTE: The higher the “level” the greater the “benefits.”

Any Owner owning “net” Vacation Club Points “before” April 29, 2015 will be eligible for the following Elevation of benefit usage:

Owning 6,500 – 9,999 Vacation Club Points (current Premier status) will be eligible to be elevated to the new “Executive Level” of benefits.

Owning 10,000 – 12,999 Vacation Club Points will be eligible to be elevated to “Presidential Level” of benefits.

Owning 13,000 or above (current Premier Plus status) Vacation Club Points will be eligible to be elevated to the “Chairman’s Club Level” of benefits.

NOTE 1: For a limited time only which expires at launch on April 29, 2015.

Any owner purchasing and reaching a net of 6,500 Vacation Club Points “before” the launching of the new levels in April will be “elevated” to the “Executive level benefits.” Because of this promotional offer an owner will not have to purchase the extra Vacation Club Points to reach 7,000 points (the minimum for “Executive” level benefits), this limited time only promotion will save the Owner over $6,000. Minimum purchases of 1000 Vacation Club Points. In addition, an owner taking advantage of this special promotion offer may also be eligible for purchase incentives besides the savings.

Any owner purchasing and reaching a net of 13,000 Vacation Club Points “before” the launching of the new levels in April will be “elevated” to the highest level of “Chairman’s Club benefits.” This would save the Owner over $24,000 by not having to purchase the extra points to reach the 15,000 points which is the minimum for Chairman’s Club level benefits at time of launch. Minimum purchases 1000 Vacation Club Points. In addition an owner taking advantage of this special promotion may be eligible for purchase incentives besides the savings.


If your current level of ownership in Vacation Club Points is below “any” new level stated above you can take advantage of current pricing (new increase in pricing coming soon) and incentives by purchasing to the desired level. Minimum purchase 1000 Vacation Club Points.


If you are an owner who has not enrolled your Legacy week(s) into the Vacation Club Points program, the current special short term promotion and pricing is available to you and Marriott Vacation Club will pay your enrollment fee of $2,395 for any week purchased through Marriott Vacation Club Prior to June 20, 2010. Minimum Purchase 1000 Vacation Club Points.


Syed Sarmad, Principal Broker for Advantage Vacation