Halloween 2014
The 36th annual Keiki Halloween Costume Parade kicks off the annual “Halloween in Lahaina” at 4:30pm, Friday, October 31, 2014! That’s THIS Friday, folks!
Make plans to enter the Costume Contest Halloween night at Banyan Tree Park from 7pm – 9pm with a grand prize of $1,000. Sign up begins at 6pm at the Pioneer Inn retail store on Hotel Street adjacent to the main stage at Banyan Park.
In addition to the schedule of events we’ve listed below – check out these two great venues:
Broadcasting Live from Kimo’s on Halloween Night from 6-9pm – Be sure to stop by Kimo’s where 3 of Maui’s best radio stations will be broadcasting live. The entire staff will be in costume for this family friendly event.
Fleetwood’s on Front Street will be hosting its annual Halloween Costume Party with three live bands from 6:00pm to 2:00am. The featured bands are The House Shakers, Whiskey Pimps and R.E. Metoyer’s Blues Rock & Soul Revue. Come join Mick and the gang for a rockin’ good time!
Now for the schedule:
Maui keiki are invited to come in costume and parade down Front Street to Banyan Tree Park where they will receive a congratulatory ribbon and bag of treats. Everyone is invited to enjoy The Lahainaluna High School Marching Band.
As in years past, Front Street will be closed to vehicular traffic from 3:30pm to midnight from Baker Street to Prison Street. There will be no parking available on Front Street.
“Halloween in Lahaina” is supported by Lahaina merchants and sales of the “official” 2014 Halloween t-shirt are on sale now at the Lahaina Visitor Center at the Old Courthouse which is open daily from 9am to 5pm and at Campbell Park on Halloween starting at 12 noon.
Campbell Park festivities begin at 6pm and everyone is invited to join in a photo op or to enter the Costume Contest Halloween night at Banyan Tree Park from 7pm – 9pm with a grand prize of $1,000. Sign up begins at 6pm at the Pioneer Inn retail store on Hotel Street adjacent to the main stage at Banyan Park.
Following you’ll find information designed to make this Halloween celebration fun and safe for everyone:
The Lahaina Town Action Committee Lost Person Tent will be located at Banyan Tree Park at the corner of Front and Hotel Streets.
Porta Potties will be located throughout town including Papalua St., Lahainaluna Road, Fleetwood’s on Front Street alley way, Market Street and Canal Street.
Lahaina Halloween Express shuttles will be departing from the War Memorial Parking Lot and Kihei Aquatic Center Parking Lot. Advance tickets are on sale now for $5 each way (cash only) until noon on October 31st. Round trip or one way tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
Kahului Shell Station
Super Stop at 370 Dairy Road
Maui County Business Resource Center at the Maui Mall
Kihei Shell Station: Blackie’s Pit Stop 30 Mana’o Kala St.
Shuttles will be first come, first serve for purchase and boarding. Check at Campbell Park for available tickets not sold departing to Wailuki and Kihei on Halloween night.
Overview of Events:
3:30pm – midnight – Front Street Road Closure from Baker to Prison Street – no vehicular traffic and no Front Street parking.
12 non to 10:00pm – Official “Halloween in Lahaina 2014” t-shirt sales, Keiki activities, face painting and photo opportunities
4:00pm – Ono Grindz will be available for purchase
4:30pm – 36th Annual Keiki Costume Parade
6:00pm – 10:00pm – Campbell Park with live music from 6pm to 8pm featuring “The Haiku Hillbilly’s”
6:00pm – 10:00pm Banyan Tree Park Activities
6:00pm – 8:45pm Costume Contest Registration on Hotel Street at Pioneer Inn Shops $20 per person
6:30pm – 9:30pm Costume Contest with DJ Serna spinning tunes along with emcee Angel O’Brien
7:00pm – 9:00pm Costume Contest with the announcement of contest Winners at 9:3opm
A reminder to obey the laws: Underage drinking, alcohol consumption and public nudity are all prohibited.
Where to buy your Halloween costume, in case you didn’t bring one with you?
Check Savers and Costco in Kahului
Check out: http://www.lahainahalloween.com/
Be sure to bring candy for the trick-or-treaters and don’t forget your camera!
Syed Sarmad, Principal Broker for Advantage Vacation