Banking StarOptions

3 Star or 4 Star Members can bank their StarOptions by October 1st of the use year and there is an $89.00 fee.

5 Star Elite Members can bank their StarOptions by December 31st of the current year and there is no fee.

All other Members can bank StarOptions by July 1st.of the use year for a $109.00 fee.

Members will have one year to use their StarOptions. They have until December 31st
of the second year to use the banked StarOptions.

Banked StarOptions can be booked up to 8 months in advance of the arrival date

Banked StarOptions transfer when ownership is transferred to an immediate family member. If sold to an outside party the banked StarOptions do not transfer. The Seller will be able to retain any banked StarOptions as long as they have another Ownership/membership at any Vistana Resort, which entitles them to StarOption benefits.

If you are selling, your last Vistana managed Resort, all banked StarOptions and any pending reservations with banked Star Options will expire on the transfer of ownership.