You are sure to enjoy the Hilton timeshare resale atHGVC at Sea World with the resort’s superb recreational complex with three heated pools, two children’s pools and playground, five outdoor whirlpool spas, a fitness center, shuffleboard courts, a video games room, poolside bar and grill, and a deli/gift shop.

A view of the city from above.


You’ll also find a private 4.5-acre lake features a walking and jogging trail at this Hilton timeshare resale. There are also planned activities programs for children and adults.

Following are the 2016 annual fees for the Hilton Grand Vacations Club at Sea World for a one bedroom platinum and a two bedroom platinum villa which includes operating fees, reserve fees, real estate tax and 2016 club dues.

One Bedroom Platinum at Sea World

2016 Operating Fee $469.65

2016 Reserve Fee $138.43

2016 Real Estate Taxes $135.89

2016 Club Dues $150.00

2016 Total: $893.97


Two Bedroom Platinum

2016 Operating Fee $ 655.21

2016 Reserve Fee $ 193.36

2016 Real Estate Taxes $ 191.93

2016 Club Dues $ 150.00

2016 Total : $1,190.50


Syed Sarmad, Principal Broker for Advantage Vacation