You’ll find Marriott Fairway Villas tucked away in a serene, lush,wooded environment in charming Galloway Township in an unhurried corner of The Garden State. Here, you’ll find Southern New Jersey rich with an abundance of natural beauty and appeal. Just ten miles from Atlantic City and the beach, Marriott’s Fairway Villas are situated on the grounds of the Seaview Marriott Resort overlooking The Pines championship golf course.
In general, associations are becoming more aggressive about collection techniques of maintenance fees and thus delinquencies have gone down. With more people paying their maintenance fees, delinquencies going down and costs not rising, fees have become more stabilized, increases have remained modest and the rate of increase has not been as great as in the past.
Let’s take a look at what the 2014 Annual maintenance fees are at Marriott’s Fairway Villas at Seaview for a two bedroom villa:
Operating Fee……………………….$831.11
Property Taxes…………………….$ 86.81
Reserve Fee………………………… $239.94
TOTAL $1157.86 Bi-Ennial Total: $578.93
You can compare the 2014 Maintenance Fees with the 2013 Maintenance fees by clicking on: Marriott Fairway Villas 2013 Maintenance Fees.